The causes of WW2.

Title: The causes of WW2.
Category: /History/War & Conflicts
Details: Words: 1254 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
The causes of WW2.
CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 2 Many historians have traced the causes of World War II to problems left unsolved by World War I (1914-1918). World War I and the treaties that ended it also created new political and economic problems. Forceful leaders in several countries took advantage of these problems to seize power. The desire of dictators in Germany, Italy, and Japan to conquer additional territory brought them into conflict with the democratic nations. After World …showed first 75 words of 1254 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1254 total…least prolong the peace until Britain and France were ready for war. The two leaders were mistaken on both counts. The failure of appeasement soon became clear. Hitler broke the Munich Agreement in March 1939 and seized the rest of Czechoslovakia. He thereby added Czechoslovakia's armed forces and industries to Germany's military. In the months before World War II began, Germany's preparations for war moved ahead faster than did the military build-up of Britain and France.

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