Stereotyping all over the world. The pros and cons of stereotyping.

Title: Stereotyping all over the world. The pros and cons of stereotyping.
Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
Details: Words: 754 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Stereotyping all over the world. The pros and cons of stereotyping.
Stereotyping is a controversy today all over the world. Stereotyping is also extremely common and is heard everyday. Although there are bad points to stereotyping, there are also some good points in stereotyping. The Eric Berne's Article "Can People Be Judged by Their Appearance?" and the film Breakfast Club will be used for resources and examples. Understanding other people's emotions or feelings because that is just the way they act can be used as a …showed first 75 words of 754 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 754 total…with stereotyping is the movie Gangs of New York because the Irish coming off the boats are the same types of people that already live in America but consider themselves as "American". New York was a huge melting pot and many racist and stereotypical comments were made that time because people were ignorant. They never even saw an African American before and assumed that he is the devil. Why can't we all just get along?

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