GEN 480: Critical thinking case

Title: GEN 480: Critical thinking case
Category: /Business & Economy/Companies
Details: Words: 2748 | Pages: 10 (approximately 235 words/page)
GEN 480: Critical thinking case
A case study for a manufacturing company called AcuScan, Inc was fulfilled. The case study involves "Operation Optimize" which plans to bring a new retail iScanner to the market. The study is given in two parts. The first part summarizes the case study and provides the assumptions, arguments problems, and issues of the situation. The second part is an executive summary written for Cliff O'Conner, CEO at AcuScan, Inc. including recommendations for a solution for …showed first 75 words of 2748 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2748 total…AcuScan. Still, it is unconfirmed evidence that Secur-A Corp. one of our competitors, is developing a similar application to the Optimize. In order to recognize long-term revenues, provide a new industry standard, and maintain a reputation of integrity, AcuScan needs to extend its timeline for Optimize and contribute more resource. In the meantime, sales should focus on marketing its existing iScanners to government offices and contractors, banks and other organizations to improve its revenue forecast.

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