Dating in the workplace.

Title: Dating in the workplace.
Category: /Business & Economy
Details: Words: 634 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Dating in the workplace.
Introduction: An issue that has been escalating in severity in the world is dating in the workplace. More and more co-workers are starting to extend their relationships past a professional level and go onto an intimate basis. This issue is considered a problem that needs to be resolved because mixing one's personal life with their life at work could play a role in lower performance and could cause an uncomfortable environment for other workers. Although …showed first 75 words of 634 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 634 total…performance appraisals. I believe the best way to hold a performance appraisal is to have the people who work closely with the individual give the appraisals. Some questions to be asked in the appraisal could be "Has this person's relationship at work effected his or her performance?" or "Has this person's relationship at work ever caused a disturbance?" A manager can get a very accurate idea of a person's performance through others' perspectives and opinions.

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